Engendering-Love.org is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, committed to donating all revenues beyond production costs for the Engendering Love Summit to other public charities.
Video Message from our Founder
The mission of Engendering Love is to empower and honor all expressions of gender and sexuality. To engender greater understanding, healing, and harmony between women, men, and all expressions of gender. To help us embody and celebrate all of life’s creative energies—yin and yang, masculine and feminine—as they may be combined in all people. To heal the disconnection, pain, and mistrust between us regardless of our gender orientation. To celebrate the dignity of difference among us and to empower all people with the power of love—a power with rather than over.
Values: What We Stand For
We aim to maximize safety, support healing, and to Engender Love by cultivating and adhering to these Values, as an organization, and by inviting and reminding all participants to:
Listen deeply with an open heart
Come with curiosity and willingness to learn
Value inclusivity by respecting all individuals and all points of view
Honor and celebrate differences
Hold your own and others’ hurt empathically and compassionately
Assume good intentions
Empower and treat others with dignity
Express yourself authentically and kindly